martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

Study Guide 5th grade

Study Guide 5th grade

Vocabulary: Caterpillar, sketched, disrespect, cocoon, emerge, migrant, unscrewed, diplomat, representatives, visa, issue, refugees, agreement, superiors, cable, traditions, behavior, sacred, benefactor, astonished, gratitude, procession, distribution, recommend, environment, contribute, enthusiastic, investigation.

Mexicans have many traditions that they celebrate.
Everyone must take care of our environment and recycle.
Many migrant workers go to work in the United States.

Past or present:
Yesterday we ______________ the park.  (Visit/Visited)
Angelica ______________ tired now. (looks, looked)

Multiplying Decimals by Decimals
Step 1 Multiply as though both numbers were whole numbers.
0.89 x 3.7 = 3293
Step 2 Write the decimal point in the product.
0.89 x 3.7= 3.293

Variable and Expressions
We call n a variable because it stands for a value that can change or vary. $5.50 x n is called and algebraic expression. An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase involving variables, numbers and operations.
Addition 4 + a, or a +4        Subtraction b-4    Multiplication 4 x c, or 4c  
Division d ÷ 4, or  d
4                               Example: n=7 and n = 8:
n – 3 = 4;5

Word Phrase
Algebraic Expression
A number plus 18.
Sum of a number and 18
18 more than a number
A number increased by 18

x + 18
A number minus 6
The difference between a number and 6
6 less than a number. A number decreased by 6

x - 6
3 times a number, A number multiplied by 3, The product of a 3 and a number.
3 x n
3 n

A number divided by 12:
The quotient of a number and 12

m ÷ 12 , m

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